Bayi sememangnya comel sejak dari hari pertama dia dilahirkan terutamanya bayi yang tembam. Pasti setiap pergerakannya membuatkan hati kita tersentuh dan kita tidak pernah berasa letih untuk melayan telatah mereka bukan?
Tetapi jika bayi kerap melakukan perbuatan yang sama secara berulang-ulang, maka anda perlu rasa sedikit bimbang dan mungkin perlu mendapatkan bantuan perubatan sekiranya perlu.
Baru-baru ini, sepasang suami isteri di China menyedari anak mereka yang berusia satu tahun bernama An An kerap menggaru kepalanya.
Pada mulanya, ibu bapa ini menyangka itu adalah tindakan biasa bayi kerana sifat ingin tahunya yang begitu tinggi (menyentuh rambut dan kepala atau mana-mana bahagian tubuh badan yang lain).
Walau bagaimanapun, dua minggu kemudian, ibu tersebut merasakan ada sesuatu yang tidak kena pada bayinya itu.
Dia menyedari An An masih kerap menyentuh kepalanya dan ekspresi wajahnya kelihatan seperti dia sedang menanggung kesakitan kerana bayi itu juga kerap mengerutkan dahinya.
Kerana naluri keibuannya yang kuat mengatakan seperti ada sesuatu yang tidak kena pada bayinya itu, dia kemudiannya membawa bayinya berjumpa pakar kanak-kanak untuk pemeriksaan.
Selepas didiagnosis baharulah mereka tahu bayinya itu menghidapi jangkitan otitis media, iaitu satu keadaan di mana bahagian tengah telinga mengalami keradangan dan jangkitan.
Ibu bapa itu diberitahu oleh doktor bahawa keadaan An An agak teruk kerana jangkitan telah berlaku untuk seketika waktu.
Hal ini telah membuatkan mereka merasa bersalah terhadap bayi itu kerana menyangka selama ini tindakan itu hanyalah isyarat biasa rupa-rupanya tidak.
Mujurlah doktor mengatakan tidak terlalu terlambat untuk bayi mereka mendapat rawatan dan peluang untuk pulih sepenuhnya cukup tinggi. Namun, keadaan boleh menjadi lebih teruk sekiranya mereka berjumpa doktor lebih lambat lagi.
Ramai netizen terkejut apabila membaca berita ini terutamanya pasangan ibu bapa baharu kerana mereka tidak pernah mendengar tentang jangkitan itu sebelum ini.
Untuk pengetahuan anda semua, otitis media adalah keadaan yang biasa berlaku pada bayi, kanak-kanak kecil dan kanak-kanak yang lebih tua. Antara tanda-tanda jangkitan ini ialah, anak-anak akan:
- Menangis lebih kerap
- Cepat marah
- Tidak dapat tidur
- Kerap menarik telinga
- Berasa sakit pada telinga
- Berasa sakit kepala
- Berasa sakit leher
- Berasa berdengung di dalam telinga
- Keluar bendalir dari telinga
- Demam
- Muntah
- Cirit-birit
- Kurang keseimbangan badan
- Hilang pendengaran
Sekiranya anda mendapati tingkah laku berikut sering dilakukan oleh mereka, besar kemungkinan anak-anak ini telah dijangkiti otitis media dan perlu mendapatkan rawatan segera.
- Bayi akan menangis lebih kuat.
- Kanak-kanak akan menggenggam telinga sambil merasakan sakit.
- Kanak-kanak yang lebih tua mengadu tentang kesakitan di telinga.
Semoga An An cepat pulih dan diharapkan keadaan ini tidak akan mengganggu bayi itu lagi!
Buat ibu bapa di luar sana pula, anda harus lebih peka dengan tindakan anak anda yang kelihatan luar biasa demi mengelakkan perkara yang tidak diingini berlaku.
Before You Go to Choose the Dedicated Server Hosting for a Website
Before You Go to Choose the Dedicated Server Hosting for a Website
Before You Go to Choose the Dedicated Server Hosting for a Website
Having a website might be such the great thing and of course it drives you to find more about the dedicated servers which are often discussed. Of course, having such the great success on dealing with the new website can be such a good thing. We have to know what to do for dealing with the effective website to be noticed. One of them is about dealing with the website hosting. That is one of the essential factors which often make us feel completely that confused. However, actually, it would not happen if we have a bunch of information and ideas about that. That is including about dealing with the options of the website hosting. Surely, there is the wide ranges of the
website hosting which perhaps can make us feel that really frustrated to choose one of them but for sure we can deal with that properly and dealing with the right choice of the type of website hosting. Here are some ideas which we can deal with and of course we need to know about that. Sure, we have mentioned it before; it is about the dedicated server hosting which we also can choose for the website. However, it is important for any of you to know about that really well first in order to get the overview about it before dealing with the decision.
All We Need to Know First
There are some ideas regarding to the hosting of a website. One of the ideas is about the dedicated service hosting. The first thing we need to know is about what it is actually. Dedicated server hosting is the hosting type that has one single server which is leased to an organization of owner of a website. In that condition, of course we have imagined that the client might have the complete server control. That can be such a good idea if we can apply it properly based on our need. This kind of hosting of a website can provide the wide ranges of benefits which are going to be discussed in the next part.
The Advantages to Obtain
There are some advantages which can be obtained if we are interested in dealing with this kind of site hosting. One of the benefits of the dedicated server hosting is that it is said to be more reliable compared to others. Then, it has the better control and also flexibility which any of the users can enjoy. Another factor which makes this kind of hosting to be the favourite and becomes one of the recommended ones is about the scalability which is improved. Those are what can be obtained by the users from the dedicated server hosting. Then, what we need to notice as well is about the hosting which can give the security which is better.
How to Choose the Right Services
We have known the overview about the dedicated server hosting. So, if you are going to choose this kind of hosting, you also need to be really careful. There are some essential factors to consider then. They are including considering the processor of the server, the systems of operating, the needs of the storage and bandwidth, the web needs regarding to the memory, and many others. Those are the essential factors we need to notice then.